Dear Visitors, Neighbors, and Friends:
Welcome and thank you for visiting the Cheshire Fire Department’s website. Cheshire is a town of 33 square miles located in South Central Connecticut in New Haven County between Hartford and New Haven. The town's current population is approximately 28,700 people. I am the career fire chief for the Town of Cheshire, I am also the first career fire chief in the department’s history. Cheshire is fortunate to have a volunteer fire fighting force and has since 1912. The Cheshire Fire Department receives funding from the Town of Cheshire operating budget and the capital budget and we also rely heavily on donations from the residents and business of Cheshire.
Our department is made up of approximately 100 volunteers, with three stations, seven engines, two heavy rescues, two aerials, a brush truck, a boat and several utility type vehicles. In the last year the Cheshire Fire Department responded to more than 800 incidents for fire rescue service only, we do not provide any emergency medical service. Feel free to review our annual report to review our statistics.
The Cheshire Fire Marshals office is a career office under the Direction of Fire Marshal Michael Kozlowski. This office provides investigations, inspections, public fire education, and many other services to the businesses and residents of Cheshire. The office consists of the Fire Marshal and two full time Deputy Fire Marshals. The Fire Marshals along with myself have dual roles as firefighters when the bell rings during the day we all respond to fires and get involved in all aspects of fire suppression activities. Please feel free to see the Fire Marshals section of the site for more info.
Our biggest asset is our members and our pride; thankfully we currently have plenty of both of these assets. Please browse through our website and feel free to email or call me with any questions or requests that you may have. We try to constantly update our site to make it better so please feel free to stop back again too. This website was designed and is being maintained by current members for no costs to the department.
Thank you for stopping by and again if I can be of service please feel free to contact me.
Yours in service,
Jack Casner
Chief of Department