250 Maple Avenue (Central)

Located in the geographical center of town is Fire Headquarters. The main headquarters building was built in 1982 and houses the department’s administrative, fire marshals, and public relations divisions.
Apparatus assigned to Fire Headquarters include: Engine 3, Engine 4, Engine 7 Truck 1, Rescue 1, Brush 1, Car 5, Utility 1, and the Department's antique truck.
Located directly adjacent to the main Headquarters building is the former main fire station that served the town from 1953 to 1982. This building is still used by the fire department for smaller vehicle and equipment storage. The Department’s Training Division also recently moved into renovated facilities within this building and has an office and classroom here.

1125 South Main Street (South End)
Station 3 is located at 1125 South Main Street, near the intersection of King Road. Originally built in 1971 as a sub-station for Fire Headquarters, Station 3 underwent a large expansion project in 2007 that nearly doubled the station in size. Following the completion, Station 3 now has room for 4 fire apparatus, radio room, meeting and training room, new offices, expanded bathrooms, and bunk rooms.
Apparatus assigned to Station 3 include: , Engine 6, Engine 5, Car 6, Truck 2 and a UTV/Gator

Station 3 prior to expansion project in 2007

1511 Byam Road (West Side)
Company 2 is located on Byam Road, near the intersection of Waterbury Road. Company 2 was original built by the Cheshire Heights Neighborhood Association in 1955 after the town would not fund construction of a fire station in this neighborhood. Originally a small 2 bay station, Company 2 underwent a large expansion project in 2005 that added 4 new apparatus bays, a new meeting and training rooms, new offices, bunk rooms, and expanded bath room facilities.
The Department's second heavy rescue truck (Rescue 2) is stored here due to its close proximity to Interstate 84. In addition, a Collapse Rescue truck funded and built by the Towns of Cheshire, Prospect and Wolcott is stored here due to this stations close proximity to all 3 towns.
Apparatus assigned to Company 2 include: Engine 1, Engine 2, Rescue 2, and Collapse 1.

Side view of Company 2, showing former apparatus bays, now converted into meeting and training room.

The former 2 bay Station, prior to renovations and expansion.